Thursday, August 28, 2008

When coffee perks, so do I! :o)

I think the coffee bean supersedes the magic of Jack's bean. (You know Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk?) Yes, I really love that little bean.

Okay, so I'm addicted to coffee. I admit it. (I even wrote an article including my passion for the bean:

Right now, I am in love with caribou. Caribou Coffee, that is. It's a Midwest thing. But it's catching on and spreading faster than a coffee spill. It's silly, but I even plunked down $10.99 for a special bag of Caribou Coffee whole beans. What a treat! But I sorta feel guilty about it now.... (Shhhh. Don't spread it around, ok?)

Any-who, since I travel lots, I've seen my share of coffee pots... (That rhymed, didn't it? LOL) Hotels serve some of the worst coffee and some of the best. When I speak/sing at events, I sample coffee and silently critique it.

"Too weak..." usually passes through my mind. I don't show it if I dislike it, but I certainly know it. (You'll know it when I don't hang around the coffee. Nor do I politely flag down a sweet waitress for refills.)

Recently, I tried some coffee with some friends of mine. (Hey, Ariel and Dana, you know what I'm talking about!) Anyway, the friends were great but the coffee stank. Yes, it looked like coffee but tasted like hot water. What a farce! I'm considering a lawsuit. LOL!!

Here's a picture of my drinking some bad, bad coffee. I look so pathetic and pale... (Violin playing in background...)

Here's what I look like after some good coffee! :) See the color is back? Hmmm-ummm-hmmm! Happy, happy! :)

Now, any unabashed coffee connoisseurs? If so, how do you like your coffee? I like it sweet and creamy…as though you needed to know that. ;)

God bless!!
Stacie Ruth

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Random Ramblings on "Olympics" Stuff :)

If you do or if you do not want to know (forbid the thought!), my latest feature is published. It's about God and the Olympics. Here's a link:


Now, I have to say that, as an Iowan, I'm pretty proud of Shawn Johnson. She's so great, isn't she? Wow, do I ever admire her! I could never do what she did. I would have had trouble balancing on the platform before I got on the beam! LOL (View her golden performance by clicking here.)

So, we Iowans are really proud of you, Shawn! But I suppose you saw that on the front page of every Iowa newspaper. :)


Do you find the idea of consuming over 10,000 calories per day -without weight gain!- appealing? Well, perhaps you should know that Michael Phelps does just that. But did I mention that he also exercises a little? lol :)


Hasta luego.
Stacie Ruth

Monday, August 18, 2008

Quick Post and Update

Hi, everybody!
........I'm sorry I dropped off the face of the web world, but my grandma entered the hospital. It was a rough time. (Could you please pray for her and for my family and me? Thank you.)
........But, for a quick humorous story, read on...
.......I hesitantly approached the nurses' station at the hospital where "Grandmommy" has received care. I softly asked, "I have a question." I felt uncomfortable about bothering them again so I half-jokingly added, "I hope I don't bother you. Do I?"
......."Yes- Yes, you do." An older nurse sputtered.
.......Sounds rude, right? Well, guess what? The nurse was on the phone and had responded to the caller. Yet her response leant itself perfectly to my question! Isn't that funny? She didn't even hear me. :)
.......Or maybe I'm just too trusting and naive... LOL
Hasta luego. (Until later.)
Stacie Ruth

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Follow-Up on Golf!

Yesterday humbled my little golfing heart. (Now, about two weeks ago, I golfed and experienced some exciting moments. Alas, what a now-distant memory...)

Yes, yesterday, my game disintegrated. I fell so hard that it left grass stains on my face. LOL! Suddenly and without much warning, Carrie and I found ourselves playing a game with our amazingly gifted friends, who are like pro golfers. (They even compete in tournaments!) Our kind friends exhibited various fruits of the Spirit as Carrie and I bore some bad fruit: in the rough, in the tree, etc.

So...Do I still love golf even when golf hates me?

Yes!! To be out in the beauty of God's creation and get away from it all can really help a stressed-out person feel sane again. In fact, if I had time, I'd be on the course now! :)

May God bless our friends, the Bunch's, for golfing with Carrie and me! Wow, they deserve a trophy bigger than any tournament's award!

Have a super, blessed day, everyone!
Stacie Ruth

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Golf: Girls Only...Lads Forbidden (Just kidding!)

"Gentlemen Only. Ladies Forbidden." When someone mentions that old adage about golf, I automatically think of my version of it: "Girls Only. Lads Forbidden." (Hey, I don't go around calling guys "lads," but I couldn't think of anything better... And I think guys should play all the time, too! I'm not forbidding anybody from the great joys of golf.)

Admission: I love to golf. I'm a golfing girl. So I think of silly things like the aforementioned. Anyway, I grew up next to a golf course and even had a lemonade stand for the golfers. Lots of golfers smiled and shelled out some coins for my lemonade. I charged 10 measly little cents. (Man, I wish I'd charged more! I was way under. LOL. Now in my early twenties, I realize that some probably added a little something extra to the lemonade once they climbed into their liquor-loaded carts!)

I thrill to see an ivory ball sail over an emerald sea -even if it's only in my mind's eye. Even during the winter, I envision my next round and everything's perfect: the weather, the shots, the everything. Then, when I finally make it out to the course, I hit the ball and reality simultaneously. LOL!

Since I travel tons to speak, sing, and be on TV and then write a lot when home, I rarely hold my happy little golf clubs. They miss me and I miss them. (Oh, stop... You don't have to weep for me! I will golf again! lol) Now….I have good news: After an entire thirteen golfless days (how I made it, I don't know!), I will soon golf again. (Cheering ensues. I leap up from my desk chair and squeal. Well, in my mind, anyway. After all, I don't want to be a weirdo.)

Anyone else golf? Let me know. If I'm in your city and if you have extra clubs, let's golf together sometime. You'll be better than I (almost anyone is!) so I'll boost your ego. Sound good?

-Stacie Ruth

Friday, August 8, 2008

another silly, dramatic blog from a new Facebook junkie

After putting it off forever, I faced Facebook. (Applause. LOL.) Seriously, I'm so happy I finally did something I procrastinated! Facebook is like my generation's social staple, which was confirmed by experience: Within a couple of days, I was amazed by the number of friends added. I'm so excited! :)

Countless friends asked, "Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook?" I'd panic and reply, "I'm just too busy. I'm sorry!" (LOL) Seriously, I made it way too hard.

I remember that back in '06 (I sound old, don't I?), I started a profile, and then had to go because of phone-in radio interviews for the re-release of Still Holding Hands. (That was one crazy time period!)

So, if you're on Facebook, I have a question for you: "Could you be my friend? PL-EASE?" :) He-he-he! :)

BTW, I'm so silly with this blog it scares me. So, if you pause to wonder if I'm joking, I am.

Now! I gotta go... I must get back to work on the two books I'm writing...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hi, there! I'm a writer who can't write enough so...

I'm writing a blog. I know. I should have been a regular blogger sooner than this. (I cover my face with shame! Woe am I!!! LOL)

So, welcome. Welcome to my tiny blog space on cyberspace. I'll probably make mistakes... so laugh at will.

First off, I don't want to bore you. It's gonna be a fun, casual blog with crazy stories. Now, for the first topic of the day... Blood drawing. No, I'm not talking about what sickos do when they paint with their own blood. I'm talking about a typical doctor's office blood test. It's nothing much...

But who am I kidding? It is, too!! It's punishment! It HURTS! (Don't worry: It was just a typical, run-of-the-mill blood drawing. I'm not seriously ill or something! And I'm not a cry-baby. But, for humor, bear with me.)

First, the nurse stabbed me. Then she stared. No blood came. Maybe the summer heat had dried me out.

She said with a smile (hey, why did she smile??), "Well, I don't seem to be getting anything out of that one. I'll try again."

Suddenly, as I scanned the tiny room, I wondered, "I'm in a little room with a lady who stabs me. I sure hope she likes me." Hands hot...smiling nurse....not good...

She stabbed again. Does she have a vendetta? I thought. Maybe I didn't sign my book for her or something.

Finally, I exited the torture chamber. And I'll soon have my bruise of courage. I wear my bandage like a medal saying, "I survived." (It's a plain tan Band-Aid...nothing like the cute ones I got as a kid! Why don't fashionistas design cute bandages for young adults?)

Anyone else had a struggle with blood drawing? Comment on, folks. Comment on. But there's one stipulation: it's gotta be true. After all, my blog's title sums it up: Stacie Ruth loves the truth.

Seriously, any stories to share about a doctor's visit?

-Stacie Ruth

P.S. The nurse is my friend...after all. :) Happy ending!