Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Random Ramblings on "Olympics" Stuff :)

If you do or if you do not want to know (forbid the thought!), my latest feature is published. It's about God and the Olympics. Here's a link:


Now, I have to say that, as an Iowan, I'm pretty proud of Shawn Johnson. She's so great, isn't she? Wow, do I ever admire her! I could never do what she did. I would have had trouble balancing on the platform before I got on the beam! LOL (View her golden performance by clicking here.)

So, we Iowans are really proud of you, Shawn! But I suppose you saw that on the front page of every Iowa newspaper. :)


Do you find the idea of consuming over 10,000 calories per day -without weight gain!- appealing? Well, perhaps you should know that Michael Phelps does just that. But did I mention that he also exercises a little? lol :)


Hasta luego.
Stacie Ruth

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Of course I want to know about your latest feature...and it was a great one! Nice job on your article, Stacie. And YES! I would love to eat 10,000 calories a day without weight gain, but at the same time, I wouldn't want to swim that much!!