Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cat on the Keyboard!! And why I love dogs...

I blame my family's cat for all of my typos. (Just kidding!) Seriously, whenever I return home from being on the road, I must face my furry friend. (When I'm away, the laptop seems almost serene!)

For some reason, Oliver thinks he's a secretary. Suddenly, in the midst of serious writing, my fingers feel fluffy paws. Then emerald eyes meet mine.

I will now allow you to experience firsthand what I've described: Oliver is going to type something for you and I'm not going to delete it. Here's the work of my typing tomcat:

ghb;'/.fg/.vb' p;d[v" dolxdc;xl';/ol2309fd;csdxl;bnfdckijghbtyghl;...................lk,,,,,mcvlk,k,l m.

Now, he'll look at you like he looks at me:

"See?" says he. "I'm an author, too!!!!"

It's a good thing I'm an animal lover. :) I particularly love dogs, but I can enjoy cats, too. Oliver is a lot like a dog...except he gets on my keyboard. Dogs simply don't do that. (Another winning point for dogs!)

Paw and pen in hand,

Stacie Ruth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's cute. I have two dogs, and one sits at my feet while I type for endless hours. The other lounges around the house oblivious to what I do.

Your cat is so cute... :-)