Monday, August 18, 2008

Quick Post and Update

Hi, everybody!
........I'm sorry I dropped off the face of the web world, but my grandma entered the hospital. It was a rough time. (Could you please pray for her and for my family and me? Thank you.)
........But, for a quick humorous story, read on...
.......I hesitantly approached the nurses' station at the hospital where "Grandmommy" has received care. I softly asked, "I have a question." I felt uncomfortable about bothering them again so I half-jokingly added, "I hope I don't bother you. Do I?"
......."Yes- Yes, you do." An older nurse sputtered.
.......Sounds rude, right? Well, guess what? The nurse was on the phone and had responded to the caller. Yet her response leant itself perfectly to my question! Isn't that funny? She didn't even hear me. :)
.......Or maybe I'm just too trusting and naive... LOL
Hasta luego. (Until later.)
Stacie Ruth

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